Investigational Chemotherapy • A combination of alkylating agents (vincristine + BCNU + melphalan + cyclophosphamide + prednisone [VBMCP]) in alternating cycles with alpha2-interferon (alpha2-IFN) produced better-quality responses and prolongation of survival in a pilot study, but this must be confirmed in a prospective study. • Myeloma cells frequently become resistant to chemotherapy. One such mechanism is characterized by the expression of glycoprotein P-170. Various agents such as verapamil or cyclosporine have been used to reverse this resistance , but only modest success has been achieved. • Growth factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) or granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) to shorten the duration of neutropenia (neutrophils fight infection) may be helpful after high-dose chemotherapy. Bone Marrow Transplantation This approach is an alternative for the therapy of multiple myeloma. There are two major approaches: allogeneic or autologous. There is no evidence that either is curative and most patients will suffer a relapse. • With allogeneic transplantation, bone marrow is given from a matched donor following high-dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation. The mortality is high (20-25 percent within the first three months) and the patient often suffers from a peculiar form of rejection called graft- versus-host disease, in which the transplanted marrow attacks the host tissue . This procedure is also possible only for people under 55, which